A few words about

What We Do

Our Services

Our organisation renders services to benefit it members and Muslims in general


For Islamic education and training of our younger ones, the GMWC established a Madrasah for the teaching of Qur’an, Arabic and other Islamic sciences. Volunteer teachers are involved in the training and are given token to cover their travelling cost to and from the Centre.

Also Ta’lim/Halaqaat (study circles) are organised for adult members who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of Islam and Qur’an. These lessons are delivered by our imams/Scholars as well as visiting scholars/Imams both locally and abroad. For information about the Madrasah and how to enrol your child please click here for contact details. 

Welfare Services

The nature of our welfare support and services is advisory and guidance and in rare occasions financial. Our support is service user centred and tailored to fit the needs of the individual.

The services are provided and co-ordinated by our Welfare Secretary alongside other professional members of the GMWC, who devote their free time to help purely to please ALLAH. They aim to advice and guide those in need in the following areas:


  1. Finding Accommodation: To advise members who are in need of accommodation, how to secure and keep their tenancy by helping them understand tenancy agreements.
  2. Advice on understanding the Complexities of the Benefit System:

To advise members on their entitlements under the welfare system in the areas of child benefit, job seeker allowance, Employment support allowance, Income support, Tax credit and pension credits.

  1. Employment and training: To advice members on how to get into employment, finding jobs, training to get into suitable jobs, pursuing courses in ESOL, Numeracy and Literacy.
  2. Advice and support for family: especially those with young children and elderly persons and vulnerable women. They also get advice about their personal safety and security and what to do in case they feel their safety is in danger.
  3. 5. Advocacy and liaison: Advise, advocate and liaise with social services, local Authorities, Immigration service, etc.

6. Counselling: Cultural specific general counselling and emotional support in accordance with Islamic principles.


The GMWC hold matrimonial as well as other vital ceremonies for members who are getting married or during child-naming or ‘adu-a’ (prayer for the departed souls) as customarily and traditionally done back in Ghana in our communities.

Such ceremonies are led and officiated by an Imam at the centre. These events are important social gatherings for members of the Community. They are times members meet and share happiness or sorrow, depending on the event being held. They present rare opportunity for members and community to interact, merry make and share important news in town, ether in the UK or Ghana which awaken them and prepare them for the challenges ahead.

If you would like to host marriage, naming, or even prayer (adu-a) event, please click here for contact and further information. For pictures of previous events at the centre, please go to the photo gallery.


The GMWC offers confidential guidance and counselling services for members in need. Our counselling and guidance or mentoring is cultural specific and based on Islamic principles, culture and tradition.

Our experience Imams alongside our elders whom we value so high for their wisdom and life long experiences, lead such counselling and guidance sections whenever the need arises.

The counselling covers areas such as marriage, family disputes, divorce matters, child up-bring issues, domestic violence, unfair treatment of partners, financial disputes and many other social issues.

If you have any issue(s) you think you may benefit from counselling, please contact the Welfare officer for initial assessment and possible referral to the Imam or the appropriate person for counselling. Click here for contact details.


The GMWC does it best to provide facilities for Janaazah activities at the Centre. Currently the Centre is only able to observe Janaazah prayers. For Ghuslu Janaazah (Washing of the deceased), we aim to provide these facilities at the centre in the near future. However, the centre currently liaises with the East London Mosque in Whitechapel to use their facilities for Janaazah purposes. The centre also uses the Muslim Cemetery in Hainault through East London Mosque.

For information about Janaazah and burials please contact the East London Mosque directly or click here for contact details.


The GMWC offers hajj and Umrah advice through one of its leading members in the person of Alhaji Garba Suleiman who has extensive knowledge and over 15years non-stop experience of leading hajj and Umrah delegations every year. The GMWC considers his experience has a treasure and blessing to the Community.

Want to make a difference?

Help us raise money for our new centre